As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Wasatch Audubon Society

P. O. Box 3211

The mission of National Audubon is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the Earth's biological diversity. Wasatch Audubon is a local chapter of National Audubon, covering Weber, North Davis, Morgan and Box Elder Counties in Utah. It is one of nearly 500 such chapters nationwide.

Wasatch Audubon is an association of people who share an interest in birds, all natural things, and Utah's varied habitat. The goals of Wasatch Audubon include:

Educating ourselves and others about wildlife and the natural environment;
Enjoying the out-of-doors in fellowship with others who share similar values;
Fostering an appreciation of wildlife and understanding of ecological principles;
Promoting opportunities for the public to see and appreciate birds and bird habitats, and
Influencing public policy toward a conservation ethic.

In furtherance of our Chapter's and Audubon's goals we have a regular schedule of activities for our members and others.  We enjoy at least one Saturday outing each month (except in July) to see birds, flowers and wildlife.  Every Wednesday, we have a half-day bird walk or hike to check out local birding spots.  On the first Thursday of each month, we have an evening bird walk. See the Calendar in each Mountain Chickadee for details. The Chapter maintains a number of bluebird box trails that we visit at least twice a year.

We hold regular monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month (except in July) where members can socialize and experts in various fields keep us up-to-date on the natural world.  The Board of Directors meets on the first Tuesday of each even-numbered month. Members are welcome to attend those meetings.

Anyone may attend any of the Chapter's activities. No fees are charged for activities except where noted on our calendar.

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