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Wa'ahila Ridge Trail

St.Louis Heights

This ridge hike originates in Wa‘ahila Ridge State Recreation Area, and offers great views and viewing of native forest and birdlife. The trail begins at the back of Wa‘ahila Ridge State Recreation Area within ironwood and guava trees. It traverses alternately between open ridge and forest as it gradually ascends up the ridge between Manoa and Palolo Valleys. It offers spectacular views of Manoa Valley, Palolo Valley, Honolulu and the Ko‘olau Range. Native Hawaiian plants are common along the upper portions of this trail, including koa and ‘ohia lehua. This trail can also be a good place to observe the native birds amakihi and apapane. This trail ends at an intersection with Kolowalu Trail. Do not go up to the summit beyond the Kolowalu/Wa‘ahila junction – it is a Restricted Watershed Area. You may continue down Kolowalu Trail, which descends steeply down into the back of Manoa Valley.


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