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The Depot Market

1101 30 Road (U.S. Highway 36)

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In the 1880’s, two train stations were built in Courtland, one on the mainline of the Rock Island and the other on the Sante Fe.  In 1918, sparks from a burning livery stable blew across town, ignited the roof, and destroyed the Rock Island Depot which was located where Hansen Mueller is today.  A boxcar was used as a depot temporarily until sometime in 1919 when the Sante Fe depot was cut in half and moved two blocks south to the junction of the Rock Island and Santa Fe.  A twenty -foot section was added to the middle of this building to facilitate the commerce of both rail lines.  For many years, the depot employed a telegraph operator, depot agent, and clerk.  Additionally, a switch board operator worked outside.  As many as 20 trains a day came through on the Rock Island, including the Rocket (Chicago to Denver) and five trains daily on the Santa Fe.


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