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Sypes Canyon Trail

.5 mi N on Springhill, right (east) on Sypes Canyon Rd 3 miles. Near the end the road becomes gravel and curves right to the parking area. The trail (1100’ in 3 mi) intersect the Foothills trail. Heavily wooded, gradual switchbacks, not very rocky at all. From there go right 3 mi to the “M”, some quite steep and some contouring, or left 4 mi to Middle Cottonwood mostly steep up or down or straight up (3,000’ in 2 mi) consistently steep to Baldy, intersecting the Baldy Trail 500’ and 1/3 mi prior to the top. Sypes to “M” and back is one of the earliest snow-free trails in the mountains, 4100’ in 12 mi.


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