As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Squak Mountain Trails

Take the Squak Mountain Access Trail to access trails on the east side of the mountain: East Ridge, East Side, Phil's Creek, Old Griz, and more. From the parking area at the Issaquah Trail Center, head east on Bush Street to the junction with Front Street. Cross at the light and turn south onto Newport Way. Follow Newport Way as it crosses Issaquah Creek, then continue south on Wildwood Boulevard as it climbs out of town, turning to gravel as it follows the creek up a gentle slope. When you reach the old Issaquah Creek Dam, you'll find a paved trail winding past some apartments and condominiums. Hiking quickly, you will get past these buildings in just a few minutes and soon reach the Squak Mountain Access trailhead on the left side of the street, about 1 mile from your starting point. There is very limited parking here, for those that can't or won't make the hike through town.

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