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South Wood County Recreation Center

2711 16th Street South

Late in 1986, a committee was formed to investigate the possibility of constructing an indoor ice facility for the South Wood County Hockey Association. The original members were;

Richard Bugalski
Pete Fogarty
Dick Grund
John Sager
John Sweeney Sr.
Jim Shewchuck (Chairman)

Sent questionnaires to 22 communities in Wisconsin and received responses from 11.

Committee met with various representatives of Wisconsin Rapids to determine if public land would be available. While city representatives were supportive of the project, the Public Property Committee determined that the available sites would conflict with residential areas, causing neighborhood opposition. (Not in my backyard)

Subsequently we bet with the Board of Education. After numerous meetings, approval was received to build a facility at the Lincoln High School site provided the building meets board approval and adequate financing was obtained.

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