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Seven Lakes State Park

14390 Fish Lake Road

An endless variety of topography and ecosystems form the area called Seven Lakes. Its land was a combination of farmland, rolling hills and forests. About 230 acres of water with several miles of shoreline await the park user. The dam, formed one large lake from seven small lakes.


Boat Rental: Boat rentals of row boats, canoes, paddle boats and your-motor-on boats are available from mid-May to mid-September. Call the concession at 810-750-1977 or the park at 248-634-7271.

Cross Country Ski

Fishing: Bluegill, bass, pike, tiger muskie and catfish can be found in the various lakes to challenge anglers of all ages. Fishing pier is accessible for shore fishing.

Hiking: An endless variety of topography and ecosystems form the area called Seven Lakes. Trail systems criss-cross the entire area. Many of these paths are worn down over the years by the local nature lovers, over six and a half miles of trails are clearly marked as a designated trail system taking visitors beside two lakes, a stream and numerous swamps and low swales. Songbirds, muskrats, beaver, turtles, squirrels, deer, waterfowl, heron and many other species of wildlife call these wet areas home. This trail system is used by hikers, cross country skiers, snowmobilers (when there is four or more inches of snow) and mountain bikers.

Hunting: Most areas of the park are open to hunting and species include deer, turkey, waterfowl, rabbit and squirrel.

Mountain Biking: A five-mile trail systems criss-cross the entire area. This trail system is used by hikers, cross country skiers and mountain bikers.

Paddling: Boat rentals of row boats, canoes, paddle boats and your-motor-on boats are available from mid-May to mid-September. Call the concession at 810-750-1977 or the park at 248-634-7271.



Seven Lakes-Modern


Seven Lakes-Dickinson Trail
Trail Length: 0.30 (Miles)

Seven Lakes-Green Trail Loop
Trail Length: 2.10 (Miles)

Seven Lakes-Nature Trail Loop
Trail Length: 0.75 (Miles)

Seven Lakes-Red Trail Loop
Trail Length: 1.80 (Miles)


Beach: The beach is ADA accessible by way of a stab-mat that allows wheelchair access to the lake.

Picnic Area:
Big Seven Lake is 170 acres with a boat launch, concession for snacks, beach, restrooms and changing courts. There are picnic areas with horseshoes, volleyball and playground equipment, which can be used on a first come, first served basis.

Dickinson Lake, the second largest lake at 44 acres, provides another boat launch and a floating pier used for fishing. A rustic picnic shelter with large grills, playground equipment, horseshoe pits, volleyball and basketball.



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