As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve

The Village of Valmeyer has entered into an easement agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission to designate a large parcel of blufftop acreage as the Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve. Also participating in this project is the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation and the Illinois Audubon Society. Designation of this site occurred because of the existence of hill prairies and glades, along with the existence of several state endangered and threatened species. Parts of the glades and hill prairies are suffering from encroachment, and restoration work is underway under the supervision of a local stewardship committee. The Valmeyer Boy Scout Troop has also done extensive restoration work on the site. Village officials are committed to the long-term protection of this Illinois Natural Area Inventory Site. If you are interested in helping with any of the restoration efforts, contact Valmeyer Village Hall.

Approximately 750 acres of contiguous, undeveloped forested land are owned by the Village of Valmeyer. A 1991 Illinois Department of Natural Resources study found only 40 sites of greater than 500 acres of contiguous forest in Illinois. Many forest birds need several hundred acres of contiguous habitat for successful breeding, and this site is home to many bird species.

Rules for use of the Salt Lick Point trails are as follows:

-- Use of the trail is only allowed between sunrise and sunset.
-- At all times remain on the trail and follow the trail markers.
-- No one under 18 years of age is allowed on the trail without adult supervision.
-- No horses are allowed on the trail or adjoining property.
-- No bicycles are allowed on the trail or adjoining property.
-- All pets on the trail or adjoining property must be on a leash.
-- No alcohol is allowed on the trail or adjoining property.
-- No fires are allowed on the trail or any of the adjoining property.
-- No firearms are allowed on the trail or adjoining property.
-- No ATV's are allowed on the trail or adjoining property.
-- Be responsible, because dangerous areas exist outside the trail.


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