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Rice Lake State Natural Area

Rice Lake is a large, shallow, soft water drainage lake, with outstanding wild rice production which varies from year to year depending on the lake level. Surrounding the lake are a sedge meadow, well-anchored in muck and composed mainly of blue-joint grass, sedges, cat-tail, and bulrushes and an alder thicket dominated by alder, willow, and bog birch. A poor fen with black spruce islands is located north of Rice Lake; black spruce, tamarack, black ash, and alders are present to the south and west. Also present is a 50-acre upland island south of Rice Lake containing red maple, white birch, and balsam fir with scattered hemlock and white pine. Birds found here are typical of sedge meadows and marshes: sedge wren, common yellowthroat, swamp sparrow, and red-winged blackbird. The area is also a waterfowl refuge. In spring, large numbers of mallards, black ducks, and ring-necked ducks use the lake and in fall, large concentrations of diving ducks can be observed. In addition, bald eagles and osprey nest and feed in the area. Other inhabitants include muskrat, mink, beaver, and otter. Rice Lake is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 1965.

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