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Ranney Skate Park

3201 East Michigan Avenue

George E. Ranney Park is one of the premier fast pitch softball diamonds in the state. Features include a dual-wing press box over covered dugouts, bleacher seating for over 2,000 people, and a new state-of-the-art scoreboard. Ranney Park was announced as the winner of the Junior College Division 2009 Stabilizer Solutions/National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) "Field of the Year." The award is sponsored by the "Official Playing Surface" of the NFCA, Stabilizer Solutions, and recognizes outstanding grounds maintenance and quality playing surfaces. Ranney Park also received a Site Design Award from the Michigan Recreation and Parks Association. Skateboard and rollerblade enthusiasts will enjoy Greater Lansing's newest recreation facility, Ranney Skatepark. Located at Ranney Park near Frandor, the 20,000-square-foot facility was designed and built by nationally known skatepark experts, Team Pain. The park is open daily, dawn to dusk, and offers free admission.


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