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Pleasant Harbor State Park

U.S. Highway 101

Pleasant Harbor State Park Property is a lovely place to sleep on your boat. So, tie up in this cozy inlet, watch the sunrise and take advantage of all the water sports and shellfish bounty that Hood Canal has to offer.

Delicious shrimping, crabbing and salmon fishing are all on offer i(n season), as is scuba diving. Plunge into the cold, clear waters (don't forget your dry suit) and see everything from sea stars to octopi.

May is shrimp season and a busy time at Pleasant Harbor, but at other times of the year, you may be able to snag the same slip two nights in a row.


Located 2 miles south of Brinnon off US Highway 101, Pleasant Harbor is a 1-acre, overnight moorage property only. It features 120 feet of moorage dock, and boaters may stay up to three consecutive nights. Moorage is on a first-come, first-served basis.


Visitors may enjoy fishing, rafting, motor boating and scuba diving.

There are no services or potable water at the park.


The park features 120 feet of moorage docks. Boaters may stay up to three consecutive nights. Moorage is on a first-come, first-served basis.

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