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Pheasant Hills Park

Hart Street at Park Manor Drive

32.0 Acres.

Pheasant Hills Park is located east of Hart Street next to the Pheasant Hills Subdivision. The park was named for the subdivision because the developer of the subdivision donated the land. Established in 1976 through the grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, it was originally built with an open frame pavilion, a tennis court, two ball diamonds, two horseshoe pits, playground equipment and a trail around the seven acre pond. Currently, two soccer fields have been added and because of erosion, the pond is now approximately 18 acres and the original trail is gone. A new trail was added on two sides of the pond ending in the northeast corner of the park. A grass volleyball court is available just west of the pavilion. This court area will be moved elsewhere in the park after phase 2 of the park improvements. The pavilion is rented for picnics during the year. Fishing is not permitted at the pond. Kahler Middle School is immediately adjacent to the park and uses the park throughout the year for activities such as cross country and an outdoor classroom. Leading to park improvements in 2009, the remaining ball field backstop and playground equipment was removed in 2008. In 2009, a new skate park along with a new playground were installed. A 2nd phase of capital improvements is in progress at the end of 2009 that include a new north shelter, a new south shelter, improved and expanded parking area on the south side of the park, additional 10' wide paved pathway and shoreline stabilization along the western and northwestern shore of the pond. Once completed, the paved pathway will be 2193' long which is close to 2/5 of a mile. Signs will be posted with this approximate distance at the conclusion of the project. There will also be segments connecting to the parking lots and sidewalks along Hart Street and at Kahler Middle School (southwest corner of track area).


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