As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

LeMans Karting

45957 Hotchkiss Street

Owners' Vision: "Your Neighborhood Racetrack"

That is a big part of our mission - To provide a place where a community of friends, from all walks of life, can enjoy a safe, yet challenging race experience. A place where every racer experiences a similar adrenaline rush - the novice, the experienced driver, and all levels in between. A place where you simply feel welcome and can find others with the same passion for motorsports. And to do it at a price everyone can afford.

Serious Drivers Have Serious Fun Here!

You will find a fire inside you as soon as you step into this place. You learn how to compete and you meet and bond with a great group of people who are out to have a good time - just like you. You don't get these kinds of kicks with video games, so don't expect an arcade-like environment. European-style karting... it's a real rush!

The UK-built racing karts accommodate people from just under 5 feet to over 6 feet tall. And this sport has these thrilling qualities that turns complete novices into enthusiasts. That's why it's the world's fastest growing sport. High performance wheel-to-wheel racing... it's the real deal!

I Do Have Time To Race!

We all lead hectic lives these days... especially here in the Bay Area! So whether you're putting together a private party or corporate team-building event, our goal is to be your 'one-stop shop'. And to set up each event with the highest level of care, time-efficiency and service you deserve.

For you Track Day and Car Club drivers, you know the routine. You drive 1 to 5 or more hours just to get to the 'local' race track - often towing tires, tools and equipment along with you. What a hassle! And let's not forget the COSTS of racing your own machine! LeMans Karting provides you ALL the thrills of wheel-to-wheel racing, just MINUTES from work or home. Imagine... weekly racing as convenient as weekly bowling... now that's a concept!

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