As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Kennewick Skatepark

613 South Dayton Street

Skate Park Rules

Park Hours:
Open - 6:00 a.m. to ½ hour after dusk

In addition to the Standard Park Rules the following rules apply:

  • This is a facility designed for your use, please take care of it.

  • Place trash in containers provided.

  • Graffiti is prohibited in all City Parks.

  • Tobacco use within 20-feet of this facility is not allowed.

  • It is strongly recommended that all users wear approved protective equipment such as proper shoes, helmets, knee, wrist & elbow pads.

  • Ride respectfully, ride only in designated areas. Be respectful to other park users. Swearing is not allowed.

  • No glass containers or beverages allowed in the facility (spills create hazards). No other items such as benches, tables, wood material or other objects used as ramps or jumps are allowed. No modifications to existing ramps allowed. No pets within the facility. Do not use when surfaces are wet.

  • Ride within your ability and in control at all times and in such a manner that you can stop or avoid other users. Faster riders shall yield to slower riders. Do not stop where you are obstructing others. Do not proceed down ramps until it is clear.

  • Music content must be appropriate for all park users & the volume in conformance with City Ordinance – music must not be audible more than 50 feet from source

  • By entering this facility you are assuming the risks and responsibilities inherent in all skating / biking sports. Ride at your own risk

  • Violation of City or State laws, park or skate/bike park rules and normal courteous behavior will result in the loss of privileges. Trespass Notification Citations shall be issued to persons suspected of committing a crime or infraction while in a City Park.


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