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Kendrick Trail

Forest Service Rd 190

This is a hike to one of the highest vistas in northern Arizona. From Kendrick's 10,418 foot summit, you can see the Grand Canyon to the north and Oak Creek Canyon to the south. In addition to the impressive scenery, it's a good place to see wildlife, especially elk and mule deer. The trail starts in the ponderosa pines and climbs into the mixed conifer forests of Douglas fir, white fir, Engelmann spruce and corkbark fir within the Kendrick Mountain Wilderness. Note that there are no reliable springs along the trail and no water at the top of the mountain. Just below the mountain's summit, you'll see an old cabin. This is the old lookout cabin, built in the early 1900s and listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

After about 1/2 mile of trail, this route up Kendrick Mountain follows an old fire road for about one mile. From this point the trail becomes a foot path again and is well marked and gently sloped. Almost all of the trail is within the Kendrick Mountain Wilderness.

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