As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.

Great Blue Hill Trail

Bulletin Board Beside the Trailside Museum, 1904 Canton Ave

The highest point in the 7000 acre Blue Hills Reservation and the highest coastal elevation along the Atlantic seaboard south of Maine. This large dome of granite measures 635 feet at the summit. Hikers will be rewarded with a spectacular view of the surrounding countryside. Before you begin… Your hike up and down Great Blue will take approximately 1 hour, covering 1 mile and an elevation gain of 430 feet. Be aware the trail is steep and rocky in some sections. Rangers recommend wearing sturdy footgear, bringing drinking water and purchasing a trail map at the Trailside Museum for a complete overview of the park and trail system. Seasonal restrooms and drinking fountains are located at the brown building by the north parking lot from May to October. The trail begins at the bulletin board beside the Trailside Museum. Follow the red dots and stop at numbered markers corresponding to the text, as you journey up the hill and deeper into the forest.

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