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Grayson Lake State Park

314 Grayson Lake State Park Rd.

Sheer sandstone canyons and gentle slopes comprise the 1,512 acres of Grayson Lake State Park. This site was a favorite camping area for Shawnee and Cherokee Native American. The hiking trails offer several species of ferns, mosses, and lichens, the flowering rhododendron, "lizard head rock," and the unusual combination of beech-hemlock trees.

Hidden Cove Golf Course at Grayson Lake State Park located in Olive Hill, Kentucky, is a course you will not want to miss. Rated #4 by Golf Digest in 2005, your foursome will get the feeling that you have the golf course to yourselves.

Gently rolling bent grass fairways nestle their way through tall trees and around scenic Grayson Lake. Some of the largest white sand bunkers found any where help to challenge golfers as they play to large undulating bent grass greens.


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