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Emerald farm

409 Emerald Farm Road

Short Histrory

Throughout our lives, we wanted a comfortably special place to raise a family and to welcome friends.  A place that was next to nature.  A homestead that would allow room to grow close to God and let us see daily, the balance of nature that our Creator conceived.  In our search, we found Emerald Farm.  This is a land with a character all of its own.  The previous owners loved the place, but for personal reasons, were ready for a change.  We were ready for Emerald Farm!

Rolling hills with ponds and pastures were dotted with old oaks and established pecan trees.  Sheds and home were aged with years of practical farm life.  A long winding drive into the property allowed a breath of fresh air to be enjoyed as you returned home from the nearby City of Greenwood.  Greenwood and the Town of Ninety Six both have incredible history!  Emerald Farm was almost halfway between the two.

Kathryn had a love for her Saanen dairy goats.  She also loved the idea of her own herb gardens and natural foods.  Immediately, the farm was reconditioned for her needs.  As she deepened her knowledge, she began to share her ideas with others.

In 1987, Kathryn decided to formulate a soap with her goats milk.  She knew of the beauty that radiated from Cleopatra of Egypt.  Cleopatra took baths daily in milk and olive oils.  Cleopatra's beauty captured the hearts of more than one Roman leader.  The secret to her soft skin and ageless beauty was the combinations of milk and olive oil.  

We began with an old tried and true formula from Swiss soap makers that would incorporate all the beneficial qualities of the natural ingredients and customized it to our design.  In an effort to keep the product handmade from start to finish, a small soap factory was built on the farm.  Even though the product line is ever expanding, all work is still performed individually and with personal care.  The rest of the story is history, because the soap was an immediate success.  It is now sold in fine gift stores all over the East Coast.

Seasonal novelty soaps are always ready for those special times of year.  Theme soaps, such as Beach, Wildlife, Farm Life, Home Interior, and custom soaps for business ideas or promotions are only a phone call away from you.

If you are one of those fine gift stores and would like dealer information on our "Saanen" products, please call soon.  We will be most happy to discuss the particulars with you.  Opening and repeat orders are quite reasonable.

If you have a favorite gift shop near you that would be interested in more information on "Saanen" products, please give them this internet address so they may make a decision to carry our fine products for you.

If you are already a user of these valuable goat milk products, or wish to try them for the first time, call or e-mail for a dealer nearest you.  If there is not a dealer in your area, we will be happy to serve your needs from Emerald Farm.

Just like any farm, smoke houses, hay barns, gardens and such were added or remodeled to suit the immediate needs of the farm.  These are now part of the tour that is offered if you visit Emerald Farm.

Knowing that turn about is fair play, Kathryn allowed Paul to pursue his interests.  Thus the additions of the Model Train Station, the Airplane hanger, and the Gift Shops.  

As one thing led to another, today Emerald Farm houses all of the above, and an Herbal Nutrition and Natural Foods Store.  This is a support resource of education and foods for persons who may have special nutritional needs as well as those who prefer to eat healthy.  Provisions are proudly stocked for any persons with special nutritional requirements.  Alternative foods are available for those with diabetes, lactose intolerance, and those with allergies to common products such as wheat or corn.  All are organic, preservative and additive free!

Come soon!  Become one of the many friends we have learned to love.  You will soon see why Emerald Farm is so special to us and to you!


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