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Culver City Skate Park

9910 Jefferson Boulevard

About Us:

One of Culver City Park’s major attractions is the Skate Park which officially opened October 27, 2007. At approximately 1,300 square feet, the Skate Park is more than double the size of the temporary park which stood on the same site. The park was designed through a series of community workshops and local skateboarders got all of the features that they asked for, including Trog Bowl, Waterfall, Hubba Ledge, Ramp, Pier 7 Block, Wall Ride, 90 degree banked hip, and more.

This great new feature was made possible through the efforts of the community, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council. The City is especially grateful to those agencies that provided grant-funding for the Skate Park: the United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service; the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation; the Baldwin Hills Conservancy; and, the Los Angles County Regional Park and Open Space District.


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