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Boysen State Park

120 Boysen Dr.

The first white men through the Wind River Canyon were the Ashley Fur Party in 1825. The original dam was built by Asmus Boysen in 1908, for whom the park and reservoir are named. Part of the original dam can still be seen adjacent to the tunnels in the Lower Wind River Campground.

Mr. Boysen also built a 710kw power plant at the site. Operations ceased when in 1923 a major flood filled the plant with silt. The CB&O Railroad went through the canyon in 1911 and the state highway went through in 1925. The existing dam was completed in 1951. Boysen became a state park in 1956.

Activities & Amenities:

Picnic Area

All campsites are open to picnicking as well, couple of areas have designated picnic area


7 playground areas

Wildlife Viewing

Small game animals
Upland game birds
Big Horn Sheep


One designated swim beach at Boysen.


Boysen Reservoir - located just outside of Shoshoni, WY.

Camping/Campsites For Tents

All campsites are open to tent camping if you choose too.

Camping/Campsites For RVs

Boysen Campgrounds


Boysen Reservoir contains a diverse fishery. Anglers will discover walleye, sauger, perch, crappie, ling, rainbow, cutthroat and brown trout as the major sports species. Other game fish present are largemouth bass, bluegill, stonecat, black bullhead, mountain whitefish, lake trout, brook trout and splake.


May hunt as long as you are 400 yards from facilities and campground areas.


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