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Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary

Feather River east of highway 99 at the east end of Laurel Avenue

This is a 430 acre wildlife sanctuary owned by the National Audubon Society  and managed by volunteers of the Sacramento Audubon Society.   It was donated to National Audubon in 1975 by Bob & Elaine Crandall.  Bobelaine is a rare remnant of the riparian forests that once projected two to five miles on either side of the rivers in the Great Central Valley of California.  The sanctuary is also registered as a "State Ecological Reserve" and is protected by the State Department of Fish & Game and the National Audubon Society.  It is also listed as part of an "Important Bird Area" by the National Audubon Society.

Our goals are to protect, restore, preserve and manage the Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary as a perpetual example of native riparian and related ecosystems of a major California river.  Maintain the sanctuary as a place for animals first and people only if they can respect the wildlife and fauna found in the sanctuary.  Protect threatened, rare and endangered plants and animals that occur in the sanctuary.

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