As local communities continue to update Covid-19 regulations, local state parks, ranges and preserves, as well as many stores may be closed. Please visit official websites for the latest information.
The Lake Trail climbs out of the Otter Creek lowlands and enters Big Branch Wilderness Area on a long switchback that eventually brings one to McGinn Brook. This brook flows out of the spectacular ravine cutting the mountain flank that can be seen from Route 7. At the McGinn Brook crossing, the Baker Peak Trail branches off to the north (left). In just short of a mile, the Baker Peak Trail meets the Appalachian/ Long Trail and ascends over bare ledges, affording fine views of the Otter Creek Valley, Dorset Mountain, and other peaks in the Taconic Mountain Range. The Lake Trail continues east, to Griffith Lake over gradual grades on an old woods road, crossed with small streams. The trail leaves the road, then crests a small hill and reaches the AT/LT junction. Head south (right) to Griffith Lake. Please practice Leave No Trace ethics, such as carry out what you carry in. Trail blazing, maintenance, and signage will be minimal in Wilderness Areas.