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Alma Pond

Alma Pond is an artificial impoundment located on the headwaters of Honeoye Creek in south-central Allegany County. A permanent earthen dike was built near the site of a beaver dam and existing pond, probably in the 1940s. Sometime later a concrete spillway was added to control the water level.


By increasing the size of the original beaver pond, one can imagine that the pond covers many old stumps and logs. It is perfect for snagging anglers' lines but also perfect habitat for largemouth bass and crappie. The summer fishery consists of largemouth bass and assorted panfish. Ice fishing targets mostly assorted panfish with an occasional northern pike being caught. There are also numerous carp and ******* in the pond.

Largemouth Bass: Largemouth bass are common in Alma Pond. Fish of all sizes are present indicating a balanced population. Bass up to 20 inches and 5 pounds are taken annually. Despite being a very shallow pond, aquatic vegetation is lacking due to the lack of transparency of the water. This is generally caused by algae blooms and turbidity due to the feeding activity of the bullhead and carp. Surface plugs, crank baits and live bait offer the best chance for success.

Panfish: Panfish include black crappie, bluegill, pumpkinseed and yellow perch. Live baits, such as worms and minnows, work the best. These fish tend to have average to slow growth rates as they are generally sight feeders. Feeding is hampered by both the turbidity of the pond as well as low fertility. However, large black crappies (18 inches) are occasionally taken.

Carp and Bullhead: Carp and brown bullhead are abundant in Alma Pond. Both are easy to catch as they rely on smell and taste to find their food. Live bait such as worms work for both, while carp also can be taken with corn or dough balls.

Ice Fishing:

Ice fishing is permitted on Alma Pond.


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